Building And Boosting Your Confidence
Confidence means believing in yourself and having the courage to face the world by making your own decisions. You should learn to build confidence in yourself if you want to reach somewhere. Being confident means coming out with a strong personality.
How to build self-confidence? This is the very first question that cracks into your mind before you are going to meet someone for the first time.
Even it’s your first coffee with someone or else you are getting prepared for a job interview all you want to do is to look confident because that adds dignity to your personality.
If you want to be good at any work then you should get prepared. You should spend your time learning the skills for that particular task.
If you are having enough knowledge about something then obviously your brain would say “you can do it” and it will be building your confidence and your self-esteem.
Building self-confidence in yourself:
No one is born with great self-confidence so if some people have such confidence so they have gained it by working on it and by using some self-confidence tips. Yes, building confidence requires your own efforts and you should try your best to build this self-esteem.
Try to find the hero in yourself and make it your ideal. Yes, the one who should be your superhero is you.
Love yourself unconditionally and don’t let people low down your self-esteem.
You should know that you are not less than anyone. Here is a couplet by me:
Build confidence and show some courage,
Trust yourself and come out of cage.
You should not be sad about anything you don’t have but grateful for everything you have.
Maybe you have something for which other having desire and the same way you are having a desire for something other have, so again the thing is that you are not less than anyone.
Think this way to see a better self-image which will not only beat your insecurity but will also boost your self-confidence.
Try to find out your passion. When you get to know what you can do happily then give your 100% to it.
When you love to do something you will be motivated more towards it and you will also put extra effort into it as you are doing it willingly.
Automatically extra motivation and extra effort will drive your way to more success and then to more and more self-confidence as seeing yourself as a successful person will boost your self-esteem.
How to overcome your fear to boost the confidence
Figure out what’s stopping you. Check out what are hurdles in your way and ask yourself are they real or they are just the barrier of negative thought dwelling in your mind.
Now it’s to break those barriers and come out as a confident and strong individual with enormous self-esteem.
Once you have learned how to get out of your fear then nothing can stop you to reach success.
Once you believe that you are ready to achieve your goals just start to work on them without any fear.
So here’s my stanza
If darkness is not letting your to go far,
Think of bright moon and shining star,
Why to get scared of dark sky?
Spread your wings and now fly.
You should remove such doubts from your minds, making you think that you will fail or lose.
Yes, everyone is indeed insecure about work but let not allow it to lower down your confidence.
Failure and success are part of life sometimes things do not happen according to our wish but that doesn’t mean that life ends.
The one who succeeds has the courage and passion to try again and again. So try again and again will full confidence and one day you will definitely get what you want.
Confidence building techniques:
To boost your confidence you need to think positively.
Thinking positively is a self-confidence quote, will give you hope for betterment and you will not feel sorry for what has happened instead you will try to make it better or maybe best and that’s the quality of a confident person.
Rather than crying over certain things a confident person tries to find a way to make things right.
Instead of asking yourself “Will you succeed?” ask yourself ”Why you can’t?” When you ask a positive question, you will get a positive answer and this could be a very good activity to build confidence.
What you think affects what you do so we should think good and do good. Try to build self-esteem and confidence by thinking positively.
The one who should change the attitude is you.
You should decide now that you would come out as a most confident version of yourself than you have ever been.
Change your way of thinking and your sight,
Be a champion and make everything right.
For self-confidence programs, you should learn to appreciate yourself for who you are and should throw self-doubts out of your brain.
You should be proud of the way you are because everyone and everything is different from one and other and is special and unique in their own aspects.
Be yourself! Forget about what people think and what they say. Do whatever you like to do.
You should spend your energy and time doing whatever you want to do instead of thinking about what other people like and what they want.
Hopefulness as a confidence-building tool:
A confident person is hopeful about a bright future and is always ready to take any risk for it. Trust yourself and have self-confidence.
He/she never give up if not good at something assuming that all efforts are in vain instead they try harder this time to make their efforts fruitful.
Always try to keep yourself happy and full of life because your state of mind reflects your mood.
If you are stressed about something that will be directly affecting your attitude and you would be feeling like nothing around you is going right.
So be happy and confident and make the thing right. Here my poetic nature says
There are spiny ways but let’s cross them with smile,
Think you can and make your way to thousands of mile.
Thinking positively will build confidence in you as it will give you hope that you can accomplish your goals.
Such positive thoughts will remove negativity from your mind and will motivate you to try your best and complete your aim.
Human beings are full of emotions and among those emotions confidence is also the one.
The emotion of confidence is similar to other emotions and you can easily teach yourself how to drive it.
This emotion builds a feeling in you that makes you believe that you can achieve whatever you want but the condition for this is endless efforts.
Make your self-confidence and self-esteem the tool for being successful in your life.
If something is going wrong then instead of complaining think of a solution that could solve the issue.
Rather than wasting your energy worrying about the problem, you should spend your energy in figuring outa remedy and that’s what a person is successful and confident in.
Believe in yourself:
To build confidence firstly you should trust yourself and you should believe in yourself.
One should have self-confidence because if you yourself do not have self-esteem then how are you going to stand confident in front of others.
Having trust in your abilities and strength and seeing yourself as a hero will work as a confidence booster for you.
You should know your skills and power so that you can use them in the best way to achieve your targets.
Once you will accomplish your goal you will have an enormous rise in your self-esteem.
You should learn to make your own decisions and take your own stand.
You should believe in yourself and you should be confident about the steps you have already taken or you are going to take.
People often worry about what others would think and what will they say. But instead of that, you should think about what new you are doing.
You should not feel shy to come out as a unique individual unless you know what you are doing is right.
Confident one never feels ashamed in accepting his/her mistake instead he/she is always ready to learn something good from it.
The confident one is always willing to learn. Along with that confess that they are not good at everything.
As their confidence gives the courage to accept themself the way they are. Mistakes are often made.
When you do something for the first time but that doesn’t mean that you are not going to try further, one should always try again and make it right.
Firstly put some efforts and do something tiny,
And then take big steps and make it shiny.
So what I mean is let’s start with something small like swiping your room or completing a book.
Accomplishing such small goals will boost your confidence.
It will also motivate you to achieve something big. This motivation will take you to the bigger targets and try your best to achieve them.
Count your achievements to build confidence:
Let me give you a confidence-building tip. Whenever you lose your confidence consider the achievements that make you proud.
When you are feeling unconfident, bring your latest achievement in mind.
Maybe you scored the highest runs in last year's school cricket league, or you have won first prize in the art competition last summer.
May be have been given a free trip package by a company last year due to your outstanding work or maybe last semester you have scored the highest marks in the toughest subject so what has changed this time?
Why can’t you do it this time? Tell yourself that nothing has changed and said it with courage that “I can”.
Let me present my couplet here
Until you succeed try again and again,
As there is nothing to lose but a lot more to gain.
You should analyze and examine your abilities and weakness and then you should work on them.
Working on your abilities will change them into your strength.
When you work on your weakness they are no longer be counted as your weakness as you are trying to overcome them and by trying, again and again, one day you will succeed.
Working with your strength is a smart move but not when it is stopping you to take on new challenges.
One should try on the new thing because it is not necessary that you will fail but maybe you explore some new talent in yourself of which you do not before.
This way your new talent will make you feel like a talented person and so build confidence and self-esteem.
If you want to succeed then you should be confident. A confident person never hesitates to put forward thoughts and make decisions.
To build the confidence you should overcome your fear and should be hopeful about the bright future.
You should believe in yourself and should come out as a confident person.
Use your achievements as a confidence-building tool by remembering them in tough times when you feel underconfident.