What if the rabbit is staring?

Nashrah Fahim
5 min readAug 14, 2021



Photo by Waranya Mooldee on Unsplash

Rabbit is a really cute pet and is very loving in nature. It is different in its own way and sometimes they need your attention for their good health. They can play with you will all the energy like kittens and can love you the most like dogs.

Why does my rabbit stare at me?

Being a coward animal, rabbit is always in the high alert zone that is why they stare constantly, as observed in the jungle. In the house, the case may seem different. Certain expressions are defined by rabbit staring. For instance, when it is hungry, it stares at you, standing on the hind legs. While relaxing, the rabbit stares at you lying down, and sometimes if your rabbit wants to divert your attention towards something so its stares.

Why does my rabbit stare at me?

Photo by janan lagerwall on Unsplash

Like our body language define our mood and reflects our heart, similar is the case with the animals. Their certain behavior is a sign of their changing mood or their changing health.

Rabbits also communicate and try to tell you their feelings by their different actions.

For example, sometimes my rabbit would run away from me showing its


Similarly, when a rabbit stares at you they might be wanting to tell you something.

Photo by Guillermo Casales on Unsplash

Hungry rabbit

If your rabbit is constantly staring at you then they might be asking for the food.

The rabbit demand food and snack more often.

In the jungle, they used to feed over anything they find and are in constant search of food due to their complicated digestive system.

When they are staring at you, they are begging for food, and it’s time to feed them. Rabbits are grazers and become hungry very soon.

If they do not get food or they feel like you are not paying them attention they may nudge you and tell you that it’s the time to feed your rabbit.

They may also bite you when their hunger increases. Rabbits love to have vegetables such as carrots.

You may also feed them with hay to make them happy and to stop their staring.

Happy rabbit

When your rabbit is really happy it shows it by playing, running here and there, and by staring at you.

The happy rabbits are maybe the cutest thing to watch. Watching them hopping and jumping is really a treat to the eyes.

When my rabbit is in a playful mood it twitches the nose. My rabbit becomes highly energetic and it even climbs on me.

Rabbit starring and love

Expressing love

The rabbits stare at their owners as a sign of love. When your rabbit loves you a lot it shows the love by staring at you.

This is the rabbit’s language of love. If the rabbit is relaxed and staring at you, that is how the rabbit is expressing love for you.

Spend some time with your rabbit to show you also love them.

The staring of rabbits has different meanings generally. But when it is staring while lying down that simply means it is showing you the love.

From your busy timetable take out some time and take your rabbit to the garden where you both can enjoy watching different things.

The funniest thing is when you are doing the same with your rabbit i.e starring at it so it would not even notice it.

The rabbit will be enjoying itself looking at the different objects in the garden with you.

Photo by Gavin Allanwood on Unsplash

Affection by rabbit

You can figure out by your rabbit’s behavior that when it is showing you the love. The rabbit’s groom is a sign of affection.

When the rabbit wants to show you affection, it starts licking you. That’s how the rabbit expresses its affection.

It will also nudge you for showing authority.

One needs to clearly understand the difference between the affection of a rabbit and its domination.

The starring of rabbits may also reflect their sense of authority.

Two rabbits stare at each other are likely in a competition to know which one is dominant over the other and maybe your rabbit is playing the same game with you too.

Heading bunting and nudging are the most common sign of showing love and affection to the owner.

They may also rub against telling you to now show some affection to them and tickle.

Other signs indicated by rabbit staring

Angry and depressed

This little creature may sometimes become angry and depressed and it does not even hesitate to tell.

My rabbit sometimes even bites my foot when it is extremely mad at me or even at something else.

Photo by David Solce on Unsplash

But every time the burst out came over me lol. These are signs of a depressed rabbit.

While starring, when the rabbit is angry the foot-stamping is most commonly observed.

When rabbits feel threatened

Rabbit staring may also be the cause of feeling threatened. I remember when my rabbit was newly added to our family it stares at me. Basically, they are scanning you, lol.

But that is true they are studying and examining that their owner could be a threat to them or not.

When they literally feel that someone can harm them they simply go and hide somewhere.

Photo by Erik-Jan Leusink on Unsplash

Rabbits are sleeping

If the rabbit is staying in one palace and starring, it might be sleeping which we don’t realize.

Being a high alert animal rabbit sleeps with open eyes. Whereas not all rabbits do so.

When rabbits are pleased and relaxed they take long naps without letting us know as their eyes are always open.

Wish I could also do so, keeping my eye open on the file and sleeping without letting my boss know about it.


Many of the habits of rabbits match with other pets while others do not. Some of the habits of rabbits are suspicious, like staring at the owner.

Like any other animal the rabbit also always express their feeling but in a different language and being a pet owner you and I should understand those languages.

Communicating with your pets brings them more close to you.



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